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Pearl Blonde Lifestyle

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FAQ Section

Everyone! Oiamiga was designed to be used by all; no matter their gender, ethnicity, political or social tendencies. After all, hair is hair.


Yes, you can. But remember the #1 hair colour rule: Colour won’t lighten colour. This means you can only choose the same colour as you already have on your hair, or darker. If you want to go lighter you will need to pre-lighten your coloured hair first.


Go for it! Beards, moustaches, and even your bits down below. Please don’t use it on your eyebrows though. That’s a bit close to your eyes for hair colour to venture.


No way! That stuff is so unnecessary.


Oh yeah baby! All of our colours are accredited by the Vegan Society and are cruelty-free as well.


Nope. They don’t. Not one little bit.


Oiamiga’s Rapid Activator is an innovation that allows for faster processing times (depending on hair type and the result you’re after) and better colour intensity and longevity. Here are a few examples of timings to try:

  • Often, when colouring beards and moustaches, you’re after a more ‘uncoloured’ result. Therefore, you may get away with as little as a 10-minute processing time.
  • Finer hair is likely to be ready in just 15 minutes, rather than the full 30.
  • If you’ve got stubborn, thick or coarse hair, it’s best to go for the full 30-minute processing time. But, with the Rapid Activator, you’ll enjoy better colour intensity with less colour fade.
  • If you’re covering super stubborn grey hair, we recommend you process for a full 40 minutes.


Give your body a break. We do not recommend any hair colouring be done whilst undergoing chemotherapy. Leave it a good six months after your last treatment before colouring, and be sure to patch test before you do. Your body has been through a lot and may react differently to hair colour (amongst other things) than your pre-chemo body did.


We’ve said goodbye to unnecessary animal ingredients and/or animal bi-products, ammonia and loads of other nasty chemicals. We’re made by trusted British manufacturer Herb UK using as many certified organic and natural ingredients as possible (while still delivering salon-quality results) and we’ve packaged all the goodness up in 100% recycled waste bottles and boxes. 


On natural hair you’ll get one to two shades of lift. But remember, when you're colouring over pre-coloured hair you can only go the same depth of colour, or darker.


Hair can build-up with all kinds of things - product, dirt, grease and oil to name a few – and if you remove the build-up before you dye, you’ll get a way better result. Also, our natural colour base is a gel formulation which goes on like a dream to towel-dried, rather than dry, hair.


All permanent hair colour contains a permanent oxidative pigment in the form of either PPD, PTD, PTDS and/or PTS. All of them share similar toxicity characteristics, which means they’re all as bad for you (or good depending if you’re a cup-half-full kind of human) as each other. We use PPD in our formulations, but in the lowest possible quantities which reduces the risk of reaction. But your safety is important to us so, if you have a known PPD allergy, sorry, this colour isn’t for you. And we recommend you proceed cautiously with any other permanent pigment too.


It certainly will. Just make sure you pre-cleanse with the shampoo provided, saturate your hair with colour, and process for 30 minutes, or 40 minutes if your grey hairs are super stubborn. And don’t forget to condition your hair after colouring to lock the goodness in.


Hell yes! The whole range is intermixable so you can create and tweak to your heart’s content. And be sure to share your colour recipe with us if you create a goodie @oiamiga.official


Yes, you can. But we recommend waiting to do any on-scalp hair colouring until after your first trimester. During your first trimester, it’s better to let your body concentrate on growing your baby/babies so, the less unnecessary stuff you put on or in your body during this time, the better.


Yes please. If you wouldn’t mind. Because it’s better to be safe than sorry. And this is the case for ANY hair dye on the market, no matter how natural (or unnatural) they are.


Definitely not. In fact, we reckon it’s best to wait until you’re at least 16 years old to give your first hair dye session a go. Why? Because when bodies are going through hormonal changes and growth, it’s way better to leave them be, keeping them as free of unnecessary potions as possible.


If you're unhappy with the final result, please get in touch and talk to us. We're all about the conversation, and sometimes it takes a bit of tweaking to get your perfect result. We’re here to help.


Because we’re f#*king awesome and so are you! It’s a match made in heaven.


Beige Blonde Lifestyle
Beige Blonde Lifestyle

Sed iaculis et nibh sit amet efficitur. Donec lacinia orci ut tellus auctor, id aliquet diam porta. Quisque sit amet urna aliquam, maximus purus sed, elementum augue. Aliquam ex nunc, interdum nec auctor vitae, blandit sit amet leo. Nam tellus massa, bibendum vel eros ac, eleifend faucibus tellus. Ut ac venenatis dui. 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Delectus, quod. Explicabo labore quidem vel quod accusamus obcaecati, doloremque blanditiis alias!

Beige Blonde

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Etiam placerat venenatis tincidunt. Curabitur ex ante, mattis eu venenatis eget, cursus eu nulla. Integer mollis, quam non dapibus porta, est nibh iaculis nisi, sed fringilla justo risus ultricies dolor. Donec et sapien ultricies, accumsan nibh ac, pulvinar neque. Duis rhoncus urna eget ligula tempor sodales. Aenean et lectus vel justo pellentesque sollicitudin vel ut nunc. Quisque ut auctor quam. Nulla tincidunt mauris quis vestibulum euismod. Vivamus semper iaculis dapibus. Suspendisse sit amet convallis dolor.

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